02-626-8100 02-876-7200


ชมภาพตัวอย่างรถประมูล วันที่ 28 กันยายน 2563


ชมภาพตัวอย่างรถประมูล วันที่ 10 สิงหาคม 2563


Offering of the Long-Term Debentures of ICBC (Thai) Leasing Co., Ltd. No. 2/2020

On 4 August 2020, ICBC (Thai) Leasing Co., Ltd. issued Long-Term Debentures worth 4,850million baht to institutional investors.

Offering of the Long-Term Debentures of ICBC (Thai) Leasing Co., Ltd. No. 2/2019

26 November 2019, ICBC (Thai) Leasing Co., Ltd. issued Long-Term Debentures worth 3,500 million baht to institutional investors.

Our executive attended FWD Partnership HIVE in Hong Kong

Miss Yuti Zhao Executive Vice President, attended FWD Partnership HIVE in Hong Kong on 15-17 May 2019. She also received an award on behalf of the company and attended business seminars.

Offering of the Long-Term Debentures of ICBC (Thai) Leasing Co., Ltd. No. 1/2019

On 23 May, 2019, ICBC (Thai) Leasing Co., Ltd., issued Long-Term Debentures worth 8,000 million baht to institutional investors. The debentures were issued in two tranches.